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May 17, 2019
Graphics Design Technology Trends to Follow
Like any other industry, the graphic designing sector also goes through changes every year. With the advancement of technology, graphic designing companies will follow some trends. Even though change is difficult to accept, it is inevitable. Every company needs to learn new things to stay updated.

Companies that provide graphic design services may feel skeptical about adopting any new technology. It is true that not every graphic design technology lasts long. However, there are some trends that will flourish in 2019. The trends are as follows:

Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial intelligence has made its way to different industries. From manufacturing to healthcare to data entry and many other sectors have already started to reap the benefit of AI. There is no element of surprise in guessing that AI is going to change the world of graphic designing in the coming years.

With the introduction of AI in designing, designers will be able to complete many difficult tasks much faster than before. On the one hand, it means that companies can automate a huge portion of the process of designing. On the other hand, faster delivery means more work, which will allow graphic design companies to retain graphic designers.

Sensory designs:

It seems to be impossible to think that images can be sensed apart from just seeing. According to some of the tech experts, a future is coming when the designs can be tasted and smelt as well. No matter how bizarre it sounds, there will be web designs in the near future that will respond to the feelings of the visitors.

In the future, designers will not only be creating images that will attract attention through one sensory organ, eyes. On the contrary, designers will have to think about how people will feel emotionally to see their designs. Computer graphic design will become multisensory. Designers will be able to create more personalized designs that will invoke the emotions within the viewers.

Experiential designs:

Marketers have been looking for ways to offer the best experience to the potential customers to increase the conversion rates. It is one of the most followed marketing practices. However, in the future, designers will enhance the experience of the customers with their experiential designs. A few years ago, Pokémon Go had left the world stunned with the introduction of augmented reality (AR) in gaming. Even though the app is forgotten by many, AR is still being leveraged by many. Augmented reality has already made its way to the world of graphic designing. In the future, it will thrive to offer a magical experience to the users. Augmented reality and virtual reality will move hand in hand to create a parallel reality. The graphic designing companies will come up with digital product design that will offer a different feeling altogether.


It may appear to be a distant dream of these technological advancements being implemented in the graphic design industry. However, these are not stories. Although the present trends and practices will persist, graphic designing will move to the next level with the implementation of these technologies.

Photo credits: Nicola Albertini

All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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